
Who's donating

Michael OShea
Heather Anderson
Amy Gustincic
Seth Cutler
Katie Herzog
Kaye Dunham
Carl Matthes
Jonathan Klein
Spencer Longo
Laurence Dumortier
Carl Petersen
Serena Zeise
Blake Berris
Roy Lopez
Raymond Chavez
Ron Birnbaum
Mary Rose O’Leary
Dylan Gasperik
Steven Arthur
Tina Miller
Josh Parkinson
Alex Calleros
Neil Symes
Valeria Leininger
Emily Camastra
Nate Matteson

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Law requires we ask for your employer and occupation. If you don't have an employer or are retired, put N/A, and if you are self-employed put "self-employed" in employer and describe your occupation.

Contributions are not tax deductible.


Showing 394 reactions

donated 2017-01-24 23:11:47 -0800
donated 2017-01-24 17:25:24 -0800
donated 2017-01-24 16:38:51 -0800
donated 2017-01-22 14:48:43 -0800
donated 2017-01-22 09:44:03 -0800
donated 2017-01-19 15:58:42 -0800
donated 2017-01-11 11:29:12 -0800
donated 2017-01-09 17:50:15 -0800
donated 2017-01-04 10:24:56 -0800
donated 2017-01-01 10:09:29 -0800
donated 2016-12-30 10:05:42 -0800
donated 2016-12-13 08:16:52 -0800
donated 2016-12-05 16:10:23 -0800
donated 2016-12-04 12:34:16 -0800
donated 2016-12-03 13:54:24 -0800
donated 2016-11-27 17:08:35 -0800
donated 2016-11-22 15:59:49 -0800
donated 2016-11-22 12:24:51 -0800
donated 2016-11-22 00:22:02 -0800
donated 2016-11-21 18:12:35 -0800
donated 2016-11-21 14:58:15 -0800
posted about this on Facebook 2016-11-19 10:48:01 -0800
Just made a donation to East Area Progressive Democrats
@Alex_Calleros tweeted link to this page. 2016-11-19 10:47:59 -0800
Just made a donation to East Area Progressive Democrats
donated 2016-11-19 10:47:38 -0800
posted about this on Facebook 2016-11-19 10:28:22 -0800
Just made a donation to East Area Progressive Democrats
donated 2016-11-19 10:27:45 -0800
@valeriadl tweeted link to this page. 2016-11-17 18:15:01 -0800
Just made a donation to East Area Progressive Democrats
donated 2016-11-17 18:14:28 -0800
donated 2016-11-15 13:04:24 -0800
donated via 2016-11-13 15:56:29 -0800
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