
The East Area Progressive Democratic Club was born in late 2013 out of the desire to have more progressive representation. We believe that our elected officials need to understand that they work for us, not special interest groups. We also believe that money has polluted and corrupted our political process and until campaigns are publicly financed our democracy will continue to erode. In addition, we strive to be a welcoming club for young Democrats and to make sure all people know they have a voice. We hope you will join us.

EAPD believes in and helps deliver sustainable progressive social and electoral change through 4 integrated strategies of political action:

* Community organizing, including local voter registration;

* Issue and policy advocacy in coalition;

* Earned media to inform and mobilize Democratic and progressive voters;

* Service by progressive Democrats, especially women, people of color, LGBT activists, immigrants, veterans, and young people, in the Democratic Party structure.

The club operates faithfully according to this constitution and bylaws [PDF].



We meet every month on the 4th Wednesday at 7:00 pm at:

Rock Coffee House
1597 Yosemite Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90041

There is free parking on Townsend, Fair Park, or Yosemite; Metro bus service at the corner of Yosemite and Townsend.

The monthly club meeting is in person. Voting in club elections is also in-person only. If you have any questions about logistics, please send an email to [email protected] and CC [email protected]






RENEE NAHUM, First Vice President

MALCOLM JOHNSON, Second Vice President




Communications: Chair, Mary Fischer

Community Issues & Elections: Chair, Nancy Robbins

Membership: Chair, Ceci Domínguez

Veterans Committee: Chair, Rafael Chagoya

Gun Violence Prevention Committee: Chair, Mia Livas Porter

Transit Committee: Chair, Severin Martinez

Public Education Committee: Co-Chairs, Tracy Abbott Cook andJulie McManus

Disability Rights Committee, Chair: Theresa De Vera

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East Area Progressive Democrats