Economic Hardship

Who's donating

Chris D'Alessandro
Richard Fazekas
Susan Fischer
Peter Haffner
Brock Evans
Clifford Gagliardo
Kyle Brown
Erik Sanjurjo
Rachel Hunter

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Law requires we ask for your employer and occupation. If you don't have an employer or are retired, put N/A, and if you are self-employed put "self-employed" in employer and describe your occupation.

Contributions are not tax deductible.


Showing 197 reactions

donated 2016-09-14 10:37:10 -0700
donated 2016-08-25 12:54:36 -0700
posted about this on Facebook 2016-06-25 12:59:24 -0700
Just made a donation to East Area Progressive Democrats
donated 2016-06-25 12:58:19 -0700
donated 2016-05-17 10:02:02 -0700
posted about this on Facebook 2016-03-23 16:38:50 -0700
Just made a donation to East Area Progressive Democrats
@StevenWhiddon tweeted link to this page. 2016-03-23 16:38:39 -0700
Just made a donation to East Area Progressive Democrats
posted about this on Facebook 2015-04-02 14:40:16 -0700
Just made a donation to East Area Progressive Democrats
donated 2015-04-02 14:39:39 -0700
@CliffGagliardo tweeted link to this page. 2014-11-26 09:19:11 -0800
Just made a donation to East Area Progressive Democrats
posted about this on Facebook 2014-11-26 09:19:11 -0800
Just made a donation to East Area Progressive Democrats
donated 2014-11-26 09:18:42 -0800
donated 2014-10-27 18:24:09 -0700
donated 2014-10-13 12:12:02 -0700
@susarada tweeted link to this page. 2014-07-29 13:00:20 -0700
Just made a donation to East Area Progressive Democrats
posted about this on Facebook 2014-07-29 13:00:20 -0700
Just made a donation to East Area Progressive Democrats
donated 2014-07-29 12:57:58 -0700
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